Head of Catering and Events, Rachel Azzopardi receives miaList 2020 honour

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Our Head of Catering and Events, Rachel Azzopardi has been awarded a place on the Meetings Industry Association’s miaList roll of honour 2020.

The miaList, initiated in 2011, is held annually to recognise individuals in the events industry that go above and beyond to deliver excellence in their organisations and within the wider industry.

Out of a high volume of nominations this year, Rachel was one of eight individuals receiving a place on the coveted honours list. Judges commented that her empathy and confident communication skills ensured that both clients and staff were continually updated throughout the pandemic and that her ever positive approach to keep spirits up set Rachel apart.

Robert Kenward of YOU search & select, one of this year’s judges, said: “I’m personally in awe of how Rachel kept her spirits up and I hope she takes a rest soon. Congratulations, Rachel!”

On winning a place on the prestigious list, Rachel said: “It was such an honour to have been nominated by my team, let alone winning! It was honestly completely unexpected and incredibly humbling to win alongside my other industry peers who have all done a brilliant job in their respective organisations this year. A big thank you to the mia for this uplifting recognition and of course to my team who have pulled together to work so hard through what has been the toughest time for us all.”

Rachel has worked at Regent’s for over 10 years, and in addition to her full-time role, has chaired the Westminster Venue Collection, a consortium of eclectic London venues, since 2018.

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